Fope in Mourning for the Untimely Death of Giulia Cazzola

Mourning in Vicenza for the death of Giulia Cazzola, daughter of Umberto and nephew of the founder of the Oreficeria Preziosi Exports Factory

Giulia Cazzola, heiress of the Oreficeria Preziosi Esportazioni (Fope) in Vicenza, was missing at 45 years after a serious illness. Successful manager of the Italian brand, present in fifty countries, Giulia was the designated heir of the Fope Empire, founded by her grandfather in 1929. After her graduation in Boston in marketing and advertising and with a masters in gemology at the GIA in New York, in 2006 Giulia returned to Vicenza to take care of the family business. Partner and Board Member of the company, she partecipated to the growth of the brand, bringing new energy into development projects and creating a new set of communication and marketing strategies worldwide. Pride of the jewelry District in Veneto and of the made in Italy, in July Giulia was awarded with the prize for women entrepreneurship MF Fashion.

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