Russian masterpieces by Ilgiz F.
A tribute to the artistry of Ilgiz Fazulzyanov, for his 50th birthday and 25-year career, during which, he’s won many awards for his extraordinary technique and creativity
Kazan, the capital of the Russian Republic of Tartastan is for most people, like saying 'in the middle of nowhere.' Yet, in that remote area, far from any possible influx of trends or styles, the artistic talent of Ilgiz Fazulzyanov was cultivated. And before winning the 'Champion of the Champions' title twice, in 2011 and 2013, at the International Jewellery Design Excellence Awards, he was already known all over the world as an extraordinary designer. It is no surprise that in 2016 his important solo exhibition was hosted at the Kremlin. A deserved tribute to his first 25 years of work , celebrated in 2017, just before his 50th birthday in 2018. «I got into this profession quite by chance. My family had nothing to do with any kind of art and they were very surprised when I decided to go to art school when I was eight years old. I graduated fromthe Kazan Art School as a painter but I did some training in traditional jewelry making, which set me on a different career path. Friends and acquaintances began to bring me their jewelry with requests to do something special with it. My sense of pride prevented me from admitting ignorance or inability, so I had to learn quickly. After mastering the jewelry — making techniques and traditions of the Volga Tatars, I opened my first workshop in Kazan and began designing my own pieces. At first, I produced fine filigree work in the Tatarstyle. This is the reason why I don’t have technical or creative limitations, which usually occur as a result of academicor classic education.