In Conversation With Guido Solari
From creativity to strategies ... The new course of the Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana offers valuable directives for aspiring jewelers
Today, entering the world of jewelry requires more and more commitment and awareness. If creativity and goldsmith techniques are essential skills for those who want to work in the sector, knowing the economic and communication rules that govern it is equally important to achieve the goal. Guido Solari, co-founder of the Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana and director of the via Tortona location in Milan, knows this well. SOA is a point of reference for all those who approach the world of goldsmithing and it welcomes students of all ages from all over the world with over twenty courses offered. Now the school is launching the new "Seminar of Professional Approach to the world of work in the field of Jewelry", a theoretical course full of practical ideas, created to give valuable directives on how to build a business plan, write a dynamic curriculum vitae and know how they act recruiters in the sector, but also on how to let journalists know about their collections and communicate them effectively on the media. «For some time I have realized that, in the face of a great technical knowledge of the profession by the students devoted to the profession in the world of jewelry, there is almost never an equally adequate knowledge of the strategic, economic / financial, communicative and commercial dynamics of the 'business and companies - explains Solari -, this leads even talented students, in the very delicate transition from training to work, to face great risks of failure in their ambitions».