Serafino Consoli’s Continuous Evolution
The Ring-Bracelet becomes “slimmer” and advances towards new public horizons
A piece of jewelry can be defined in a thousand ways and according to certain parameters, but those of Serafino Consoli have a unique quality that definitely sets them apart: versatility. They are, in fact, creations of high,Made in Italy craftsmanship characterized by their ability to evolve with a single gesture.
While the multi-size ring in the Brevetto Collection can change size and adapt to the needs of whoever wants to wear it, the Ring-Bracelet in the Serafino Collection can even change its function from a simple ring to a bracelet. A mutability that arouses amazement, making a game out of a piece of jewelry so that it can be used in any situation, adapted to an outfit or the mood of the moment and even be lent out, if necessary, in the knowledge that the size will always perfect, as if it were designed ad personam.
Research and experimentation are, therefore, the soul of the brand, which today - thanks to this constant propensity for innovation - has managed to develop a “slimmer” version of ring-bracelets, the 2PT, in the Classic, Alternatoand 1492 models, in yellow, white and pink gold and with 2-carat white diamonds or gemstones.
A precious object to be worn more lightly that advances towards new horizons and offers maximum transversality of use in everyday life and, why not, even when travelling. All this with the extraordinary added value of being able to be a ring in one moment and a bracelet in another, giving a surprise touch of elegance wherever and whenever necessary.